Special Services
It is the philosophy of the Special Education Department to support students with disabilities toward their current and future goals. The Mead School District has a passion to position our students for success now and in the future. We do this through a commitment to providing each student with an outstanding education, building and maintaining safe schools, and partnering with our community. Mead School District is a public school system serving north Spokane for over 100 years.
Special Services Staff
Director: Kellie Timberlake (Elementary), 509-465-7606
Assistant Director: Andrea Staton (Secondary), 509-465-7605
Administrative Assistant: Jennie Wellman, 509-465-7604
Administrative Assistant: Kathy Erb, 509-465-7603
Administrative Assistant: Candace Ainslie, 509-465-7624
Support Specialist: Kayla Ott, 509-465-7623
Physical Address: 2323 E Farwell Rd | Mead WA 99021
Office Phone: 509-465-7600
Fax: 509-465-7646