Title I and LAP
Title I
Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) provides financial assistance to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. Title I’s goal is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading and writing.
The Title I program provides student with extra educational assistance beyond the regular classroom. Title I also provides support to private schools and homeless programs.
Title I schools with 40% or more of children from low-income families can develop School-wide Title I programs to upgrade the school's entire educational program, rather than to target services only to identified students. School-wide programs enrich the academic program for the whole child and for the whole school while removing the stigma of being labeled "disadvantaged."
Right to be Informed
LAP (Learning Assistance Program)
LAP is a state-funded program serving students with the greatest deficits in basic academic skills as identified by state assessment. Basic skills include reading, math, writing, and readiness.
How do Title I and LAP Programs Work?
In general, any use of Title I or LAP funds must align with the school's goals for improvement, which must be based on a comprehensive review of data and school needs. Further, funds must provide educational programs or materials that are in addition to basic education funding. This means the programs or materials funded through Title I or LAP must be on top of the basic education program that we proved all of Mead's students.