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Transition to Kindergarten

Transition to Kindergarten (TTK) is a kindergarten program for children who turn four years old by August 31 of the current year and do not have access to high-quality early learning experiences prior to kindergarten. Additionally, they have been deemed by a school district, through a screening process and/or other instrument(s), to be in need of additional preparation to be successful in kindergarten the following year.

If you are interested in learning more about the TTK program, you can begin the process by filling out the interest form for your neighborhood school at the link below. As interest forms are reviewed, and if a student is identified as a potential TTK candidate (meets preliminary qualifications), parents/guardians will receive a call to schedule a screening appointment for the child. Screening appointments will begin in mid-April at the TTK building sites. 

TTK Interest Form is closed for the 2024-25 school year. Check back late this winter for the 2025-26 form.

Why Transition to Kindergarten?
Research shows children who attend a Pre-K program continue to outperform students who do not attend and have long-term academic achievement. Additionally, students in the program will work toward becoming well­-rounded students better prepared for school.

Alignment to Mead School District Strategic Priorities
Transitional Kindergarten aligns with Priority Area 1 (Ensure academic success and high levels of learning for ALL students), Priority Area 4 (Connecting School, Family & Community) and Priority Area 5 (Whole Child: Safe, Challenged & Supported).

Difference between Transition to Kindergarten & Regular Kindergarten
In Transition to Kindergarten students are exposed to Common Core and Content Standards. In regular Kindergarten the emphasis is on mastery of Common Core and Content Standards.

Required Elements

  • Pillar I - Transition to Kindergarten programs must meet the requirements of full­-day kindergarten including administration of the WaKIDS whole-child assessment within the first ten weeks of school.
  • Pillar II - Classrooms are staffed by certificated teachers and para-educators.
  • Pillar III - Programs must be inclusive, socioeconomically diverse and responsive to the needs of children who qualify for participation.
  • Pillar IV - Programs must be fully integrated into school buildings with access to transportation, specialists, recess and lunch in the school cafeteria just like regular Kindergarten students.
  • Pillar V - Transition to Kindergarten programs work in collaboration with and do not adversely impact enrollment in community-based preschool programs, including Head Start, ECEAP, tribally-led early learning programs and those operating in licensed child care centers and licensed family homes. The district must participate in coordinated outreach, ref err al and appropriate placement to assure best fit for each child.

Program Eligibility
Pre-Requisite Requirements for Transition to Kindergarten (must meet all):

  • Turn 4 years-old by August 31 (cannot be 5 years-old on August 31)
  • Not otherwise identified for participation in Head Start and/or ECEAP preschool programs

Qualifying Criteria for Transition to Kindergarten (must meet at least two):

  • Lack access (financial, availability or other significant factor) to a licensed preschool opportunity (opportunity gap)
  • Qualify for free/reduced meals (income gap)
  • Qualify for bilingual education (English language gap)
  • Exhibit lagging social and/or academic skills based on an administered screening (performance gap)

Questions? Contact your neighborhood elementary school principal (school attendance boundary maps can be found here.)