Bus Kindergarten & TTK Requirements
Kindergarten, Transition To Kindergarten (TTK) and Preschool (ECEAP and Developmental) students are not permitted to exit the school bus until a parent or guardian is present or visible to the bus driver. If anyone other than the parent/guardian will pick-up the child from the bus stop, including a sibling, a the appropriate Release Form (provided below) must be completed and returned to the bus driver or transportation office. This form must also be completed if the parent/guardian authorizes the driver to drop-off the student with no one present.
Transition To Kindergarten (TTK) - Bus Information
As part of our TTK program, the Mead School District is committed to offering busing as a transportation option for families who need access in order for their child to participate in TTK. As families are considering if this option is right for their TTK student, please review the following items:
For TTK bus riders: Given the number of routes needed and the number of bus drivers available, MSD will be offering “hub” bus stops for neighborhoods in the Midway Elementary and Colbert Elementary TTK attendance areas. It is possible that these hub stops will be a bit further away from a family’s residence than a regular K-12 bus stop would be.
Seat belts are not available on our school buses.
A parent/guardian or designated adult must be present at a TTK child’s bus stop for both before-school pickup and after-school dropoff. This is a requirement that is unique to TTK bus riders and must be acknowledged by filling out the form below in addition to the Bus Registration form.
TTK Bus Riders are required to fill out BOTH of these forms:
2024-25 Bus Registration
Transition to Kindergarten Bus Release Form