- Is my child eligible to ride the school bus?
- How do I arrange for my child to ride the school bus?
- Will the district transport my child to and from a daycare facility?
- Can my child ride the bus to private music lessons, scouts, study groups or employment (non-curricular activities)?
- How are bus stops determined?
- How do I request a bus stop be added or changed?
- My child has been assigned to another elementary school because of overcrowding. Will the district provide transportation to and from the new school?
- My child has been approved for an intra-district transfer to attend another Mead SD school. Will the district provide transportation to this choice school?
- I have a special needs child. How do I arrange for transportation services?
- Are school buses safe?
- The school bus passes right by my house. Why can't the driver stop and pick up my child?
- Are there areas or roads where no bus service is provided?
- Can a parent or other adult ride the school bus?
- How can I become a school bus driver?
- Are there items that are NOT ALLOWED on school buses?