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Student Safety Measures

Coordination of the Mead School District Emergency Response Plan lies with the Department of Student Services. Each building in the district has a plan designed around that facility and its specific characteristics. In addition, rapid response plans have been developed for each school building. Specific questions about building plans can be directed to the resident school.

Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying
Mead School District is firmly committed to having a positive educational work and learning environment that encourages respect, dignity, and equality for students, patrons, parents/guardians, applicants, volunteers, contractors, and employees. Harassment, intimidation, or bullying will not be tolerated in the school district's education or working environment. That expectation applies to all interactions, including but not limited to, adult to student, student to adult, student to student, adult to adult, male to female, female to male, male to male, or female to female. For more information, refer to PROHIBITION OF HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION and BULLYING POLICY 3207 or to our HIB information page.

Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying (HIB) Incident Reporting Form. Forms can be turned into your school office. Click here to read the RCW 28A.300.285.  

If you have more questions or concerns regarding this issue, please contact the Mead School District Title IX and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying Compliance Officer, Josh Westermann at 465.6000 or

Internet & Digital Safety - OSPI Information From School Safety Center
The Internet offers a wealth of resources and material for education. Accessed through a variety of electronic devices, it also allows for rich and diverse opportunities for 21st century communications. These devices are becoming ever more diverse and ubiquitous. They raise issues of digital / Internet safety and digital citizenship. Along with ensuring that our young people have the technological skills to effectively use digital devices, platforms, and resources for educational purposes, we also have the responsibility to teach them how to be safe and productive digital citizens of the 21st century. This responsibility has been mandated through the Protecting Children in the 21st Century Act.

Within this context, Washington's anti-bullying law includes the prohibition of cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is bullying using electronic devices to initiate repeated negative behavior toward a less-powerful person. Electronic name-calling, shunning and shaming are all forms of cyberbullying. So are spreading rumors, gossiping and making threats online. Schools are permitted to discipline students who engage in cyberbullying if it disrupts the orderly operation of school. Additional HIB training materials are available on the Safety Center web site linked above.

Mead School District Emergency Preparedness Plan
District Response Plan
Mead School District has an emergency response plan that is responsive to many different emergency scenarios. Although specifics of district and building plans cannot be publicized for security reasons, some general characteristics can be shared.

The district plan has as its foundation three categories of response. The first is "THREAT ASSESSMENT", which outlines the process to be used to assess any type or degree of threat. The second is "TRAUMA RESPONSE". This response category provides a plan of assistance to help buildings deal with emotional situations such as the death of a student or staff member. "INCIDENT RESPONSE", the third category, is the portion of the plan that outlines procedures to be used during natural or human emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, intruders, etc.

PREPARED RESPONSE. Building emergency plans, site maps, and other important information is accessible to emergency responders such as police and fire fighters. Officials from each school met with emergency responders to plan every detail, including sites where command centers, emergency medical facilities, and control checkpoints would be located.

The District also has an established on our Report a Concern page that can be used to report any situation that may pose a threat to students or staff of Mead School District. In addition to the hotline, the District will place emergency information on the district home page at when necessary.

Building Response Plans
Each building in the school district has an individual building plan. The BUILDING PLANS include staff assignments for each specific team (threat, trauma, or incident response). The plans also outline procedures for evacuation, reverse evacuation, lockdown, and other forms of emergencies. Buildings are required to conduct one drill per month during the school year. The drills may take various forms so that students and staff practice responding to different types of emergencies.

Report a Concern
Patrons witnessing suspicious behavior that may cause a safety concern may call or text 509.381.0360 or use our Report a Concern site to submit information.

Family Emergency Readiness and Response
Mead School District is committed to sharing of information that will contribute to the safety of all school district patrons. Numerous websites are available to help families prepare for and respond to various emergencies. Sites that families may like to explore are the following: 

Personal Safety
Mead School District emphasizes high standards of health and safety into all aspects of District operations. In many cases state and/or federal laws dictate standards. Some actions are limited for health reasons (e.g., tobacco use, immunization requirements) and others are required for health reasons (e.g., pesticide notifications, child abuse notification).

The District Safety Committee works with all district sites to oversee safety procedures and injury prevention programs in accordance with state and federal health and safety requirements. These include activities such as continuous facility check (e.g., playgrounds, sports equipment) to staff training in health and safety related issues.

Alcohol, Tobacco, Drug, and Weapons-Free Environment
State and federal law strictly prohibits the possession of weapons and the use of tobacco, drugs, and alcoholic beverages on school grounds or at school activities. This prohibition applies to all district facilities, buses, and locations for district sponsored events or activities. These prohibitions apply to all students, employees, spectators and visitors while on district campuses or at district sponsored events.

Background Checks
All Mead School District employees are subject to background checks through either the Washington State Patrol and/or the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. In addition, recent laws require that certificated teachers submit evidence that they have not been convicted of or are under investigation for sexual misconduct.

Sex Offender Information
Mead School District considers the personal safety of students and employees to be of the highest priority. By working together, parents and the school can share information in an attempt to keep students safe even after school hours. Although there are legal limits that protect the rights of individuals, much information is available through authorized agencies. Parents can gain access to information on sex offenders that may move into a neighborhood by visiting one or both of the following websites:

  • - Home page for the Spokane County Sheriff's Department. At the bottom of the homepage, a link can be found search and identify sex offenders living in the area of addresses provided.

The transportation of students to and from school and school sponsored events shall be in a manner which safely and efficiently serves eligible students and which meets the needs of special education students. The transportation program operates pursuant to applicable law RCW 28A.24.005 and WAC regulations.

More information regarding the overall transportation system, safety and behavior expectations, and contact numbers is available on the Mead School District Transportation website. Changes to transportation routs or schedules due to inclement weather will be posted on the website and/or communicated to parents through email or phone call.